Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
As per RERA
Here’s how it works:
You can submit your ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI) along with a payment of Rs. 1 Lakh. A priority number will be issued to each customer based on first come first serve basis.
Based on the priority number we will invite you to select your unit at the time of allotment commencement (date to be notified).
You can then choose your unit. Allotment of your unit will be subjected to payment of 10% of the value of your home as the booking amount.
The Booking is confirmed on signing an agreement to sale of UDS and construction of apartment and by paying 10% of Sales Consideration Value( Inclusive of Amount paid under Expression of interest) of the unit along with GST and any other statutory taxes levied by Central/State Government.